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About Us

At Arafat Education, we are committed to guiding our clients every step of the way towards their Australian immigration dreams. We take the time to understand your unique aspirations and goals, assess your eligibility for various visa options, and tailor a personalized migration plan that seamlessly aligns with your objectives. 

Our expertise and unwavering support ensure that you navigate the complex visa application process with confidence and ease.

Helping You to Study in Australia

We believe that education and travel are the single greatest investments

that anyone can make in life. Being able to combine the two, and learn a new culture and language, is the ultimate experience for any young person.

We believe that education and travel are the single greatest investments that anyone can make in life. Being able to combine the two, and learn a new culture and language, is the ultimate experience for any young person.

Free Service

At Arafat Education, we believe in making your dreams of studying abroad in Australia accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer our expert guidance and assistance to students completely free of charge.

No hidden fees, no strings attached – just straight forward support to help you achieve your educational goals.

Registered Agents

When you partner with Arafat Education, you gain access to our team of registered migration agents, particularly concerning student and working holiday visas. Rest assured, you’ll receive accurate and reliable advice to navigate the complexities of Australian immigration seamlessly. 

Each of our skiled agents have provided and advice for countless students, helping thousands of students migrate and study in Australia with ease.

Partnerships with Education Institutions

Our strong alliances with leading English language schools, vocational education providers, and universities across Australia set us apart. 

These institutions trust us because they know we prioritise our student’s best interests. As a result, they empower us to represent them, ensuring you have access to a wide range of educational options.

With Arafat Education, you’re not just another applicant; you’re an individual with dreams and aspirations, and we’re here to help you realize them.


We seek to provide all students, clients or companies with honest and accurate advice enabling them to migrate to Australia as easily and efficiently as possible.

Contact Us


+61 480 534 965

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